
Breaking the Price Melee Pattern, Grace Solar Emerge Strongly with its Hard Power

Publish Time:2024-06-04 Sources:

The photovoltaic industry which spans two centuries has been shining brightly for nearly twenty years.As the domestic market continues to penetrate into the core of the industry, after more than 20 years of intensive cultivation and polishing,it has gradually grown from a "follower" or "parallel" to a global "leader". Nowadays, It has become a beautiful business card of China facing the international market.

grace solar pv system

However, the current project bidding prices continue to fall, and now it has become a boulder hanging over every photovoltaic person's mind. The long-term low prices and involution have forced the industry to further explore new paths for market segmentation and coordinated development. The industry is rapidly clearing out,and reshuffling and differentiation have begun.


Under this high pressure in the market, official departments have taken the lead in introducing supportive policies, and pioneering companies have implemented major strategic transformations. However, industry fog has always shrouded every photovoltaic person under the sun. How to get out of the industry whirlpool successfully and achieve huge economies of scale will determine the status of major companies in the global supply chain.

grace solar pv system

As the first-class intelligent manufacturer of photovoltaic products in China, Grace Solar has been successfully installed hundreds of MW project around the world with cutting-edge technology, innovative solutions and rigorous service strategies, and has built comprehensive covering ecosystems in more than 100 countries and regions including Japan, the United States, Australia, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Southeast Asia. This is because Grace Solar can firmly grasp the development rules of the market:low-price competition is not a long-term solution. Product quality,adapted solutions and appropriate and beneficial terminal services are the fundamental factors that break the situation.


In addition, Grace Solar focuses on the accumulation of core technologies on the underlying architecture and continuously strengthens the resilience of the product system. At the same time, we continue to promote the full coverage strategy of products and services, covering all aspects of needs from front-end consulting and solution design to back-end construction, operation and maintenance, steadily promote the acceleration of global green and low-carbon transformation.


And how does Grace Solar find its foothold in the unpredictable market and continue to break through?


Firstly, the market is the touchstone of products and the terminal of the industry. The key to continuously promoting the healthy development of enterprises lies in always adhering to customer demand-oriented, keeping up with the latest market and product development trends in the industry, integrating resources, promoting product customization and diversification, and providing customers with better products and more professional services.


Undoubtedly, Grace Solar's strategic deployment fits in with this market rule.


GraceSolar: Product Customization is the Gard Power of the Enterprise.


In today's rapidly changing market environment, with the gradual development of application scenarios in the photovoltaic market, product customization is gradually becoming the key for enterprises to stand out. In this context, product customization is not only a market strategy, but also an important means for enterprises to shape their core competitiveness. Create customized products that fit the market through in-depth understanding of market needs, using lower construction costs, better delivery, higher power generation gain to ensure the project operation, will be the key to success to win the favor of the market.


In this regard, Grace Solar has demonstrated outstanding innovation and practicality in terms of product program, structure and function, and GraceSolar’s unique photovoltaic elements are gradually broadening the industrial boundaries.

grace solar pv system

First of all, GraceSolar has built a perfect industrial chain ecology with a rich product spectrum and service programs to meet the needs and environmental requirements of different customers. The 4.5MW rooftop distributed photovoltaic power plant project located in SM City Mall in the Philippines is the optimal solution tailored to the needs of the local market by GraceSolar.According to the actual needs of the customer,the project has fully considered the climate characteristics of the Philippines, such as high temperature, rainy, frequent typhoons, etc., and selected GS-Energy Roof Mounting System Solutions with strong weather resistance and high wind pressure resistance to ensure stable operation of the power plant in harsh environments.In addition,for markets such as Australia and the U.S.,GraceSolar has also launched the photovoltaic mounting system with black aluminum alloy,a material that not only allows the PV system to blend perfectly with the roof,but also conforms more to the aesthetic design of the building.

grace solar pv system

Secondly, GraceSolar PV mounting systems provide optimal structural design for different regions and terrain characteristics. For example, in mountainous PV projects, GraceSolar adopts a high degree of pre-assembly design, which eliminates the need for large-scale installation equipment and reprocessing at the site, greatly reducing construction difficulties and costs.At the same time,its tracking bracket system is also equipped with a slope adaptation function that can adapt to slopes of 20% from north to south and unlimited slopes from east to west, which makes installation more convenient and makes full use of the terrain characteristics.

grace solar pv system

In addition, PV products of GraceSolar show diversity in terms of function. Its agriculture-photovoltaic and fishery-photovoltaic projects have been widely used in markets such as Japan. These projects not only make effective use of solar energy resources, but also take into account agricultural and fishery production, realizing the common development of clean energy, green agriculture and fishery.


At the same time, the GS-Light Intelligent Tracking System Solution is integrated with AI technology,which greatly improves power generation efficiency through intelligent tracking strategy. The system can be adapted to market mainstream high-power components and cleaning robots, realizing intelligent tracking and the intelligent operation and maintenance.


Today, the competition in the PV market has entered a white-hot stage. The potential space in the future will inevitably rely more on the integration and expansion of different industries and different scenarios. In this process, the competition of the product itself is no longer the only focus, the channel expansion and service ability is equally important. How to better meet the needs of different application scenarios of photovoltaic solutions has become a major issue to be solved in the photovoltaic field.



grace solar pv system

As the core driving force in the new energy field,the photovoltaic industry is in the difficult period and is facing tremendous pressure from market competition. How to break through the industry fog, discover and understand demands in the huge market economy,and then balance these demands, will be the key for major enterprises to seize the commanding heights of the industry.


Secondly, by always taking customer achievement as the core value and growing upward in line with the trend of market development and application, we will continue to provide new growth points and development opportunities for solar clients, thereby promoting the photovoltaic industry to continue to maintain a rapid development trend and make greater contributions to the adjustment of the global energy structure and the development of environmental protection.