
Chasing the solar energy | Grace Solar Convoys the Commercial and Industrial PV Project in New Zealand for behind-the-meter Power Generation

Publish Time:2024-03-07 Sources:

Good news! A behind-the-meter ground-mounted solar project of Grace Solar in New Zealand is successfully installed recently. It will largely improve the development of renewable energy in New Zealand.Grace Solar has been embedding in the energy industry and always exploring for advancement. With 15 years of strong technology accumulation and global project service experience, Grace Solar has injected GS power into the construction of medium and large scale photovoltaic off-grid projects in New Zealand, and has won unanimous praise from customers.

Behind-the-meter power generation helps commercial and industrial photostatic reduce costs and increase efficiency 

Located in a port town on the east coast in south island, New Zealand, the sufficient lighting conditions will increase the power generation benefits of PV projects. Grace Solar’s solar mounting system provides strong support for the project and showed many highlights. The project adopts a single-column piling ground support system solution, and the foundation is poured with pre-drilled concrete to ensure the firmness and stability of the structure and to resist the adverse effects of land settlement to a certain extent.

The project are designed using a combination of aluminum alloy and carbon steel. Based on local design standards, a long-span solution is adopted based on local climate conditions, which not only ensures the structural safety and aesthetic appearance of the product, but also reduces the difficulty of construction. The brackets are highly pre-assembled before shipment, which saves a lot of time and labor costs for on-site construction.

Relying on product advantages such as innovation and standardization, Grace Solar creates a "photovoltaic engineering model" for the construction of behind-the-meter ground-mounted solar systems in NZ, promoting cost reduction and efficiency increase in the commercial and industiral fields, and accelerating New Zealand's low-carbon Economic Transformation.

Chasing light and energy to light up the future of green energy with the continuous advancement of technology and the increase in market demand, photovoltaic power systems are developing in an efficient and intelligent direction.Grace Solar stands at the forefront of photovoltaic development and provides safe and reliable photovoltaic mounting system solutions.

In the future, Grace Solar will insist on using the power of science and technology to bring safe and reliable products to customers, provide efficient and high-quality services, and promote the rapid development of the global photovoltaic industry.